
About this manual

This is the owner’s manual for the Candela C-8. It has been written to help you enjoy operating your boat safely. It contains details of the boat, such as the supplied or fitted equipment, its systems, and operating instructions. Please read the manual carefully and familiarize yourself with the boat before use. Ensure that everyone who will operate the boat reads this manual before use. Keep this manual in a safe place and hand it over to the new owner if you sell your boat. If the manual is lost, a copy can be downloaded or ordered from Candela.

This owner’s manual is not a course on boating safety or seamanship. It is not a detailed maintenance or troubleshooting manual. For support or service, please contact Candela.

Receiving the boat

When receiving the new boat, remove the plastic wrapping and inspect the boat for any damage while the carrier service are still onsite. Report any damage to the carrier service and contact Candela. If there is no damage, proceed as follows:

  1. Connect the boat to shore power. See "Charging".
  2. Turn on the main switch. See "12V battery switch".

Recycle the plastic wrapping according to local regulations.

About C-8

The C-8 is an electrical hydrofoil speedboat. The front and aft foil technology enables flying (foiling) half a meter above the water surface in speeds above 17 knots. The reduction of water friction, combined with no transmission losses from the electric pod motor, makes the boat highly efficient in driving range.

It is easy to extend and retract the foils in the user interface when conditions like speed and depth change.

Different types of sensors measure the position, speed, and acceleration of the boat, to ensure that a stable ride is maintained at all speeds.